Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon. Just returned from a good lunch. My neck is stiff again perhaps because of the late night yesterday. Watched 3 movies in a row till the wee hours of the morning. It's my only form of leisure these days. Hardly get to go out for walks although this new neighbourhood I stayed in has big beautiful parks. Weather's a bit cloudy still after the early morning rainstorm. The sun's peeping out from behind them grey clouds so I decided to take a bet and pushed my laundry out to dry. I can see the clothes flapping in the wind now. May there be no more rain for the day...
My stomach is still full now and I'm feeling a lil' drowsy. But I can't succumb to slumber at the moment. Need to keep myself awake. Just half an hour I promise myself, then I'll start with the chores. Went out the whole of yesterday, so had to do the cleaning today instead. I always didn't like to do housecleaning on Sundays if I can help it. It tires me flat that I'd have to start Monday with a weak battery level. Hmm...
Sigh, if only the cleaners I engaged past 2 months worked out. Then I can put my feet up and watch more tv on Sunday afternoons... BUT, there are some stuff in the sink to wash... clothes that can't be stashed into the machine to wash... my car porch to sweep, weed to pull in the garden.. dried clothes to fold... and the entire house to vacuum...
It's gonna be another long, tedious afternoon...

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